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Our Services

Reliant Transport provides service to clients in Winston-Salem, High Point, and Greensboro and the surrounding areas.

Our daily Service Hours are from 6 am to 6 pm, Monday thru Saturday. Other times may be accommodated with advance scheduling. Our preference is 2 to 3 days notice for reservations. We will accommodate same day add-ons when possible.

We are a private pay provider and do not accept insurance directly. We accept cash, check, or charge at time of service. We also work with facilities and brokers directly.

Our rates are based on mileage from where we pick up to where we take you, local or long distance, one way or round trip. Call 336-283-9576 for a quote and to reserve a ride. Our rates include the following added service features:

  • Use of our wheelchair — good for discharges from hospital when the patient arrived by EMS and but needs a wheelchair to get home,
  • Checking you in to your appointment,
  • One escort (family or caregiver) at no extra charge,
  • We can take clients, who can walk by themselves or with assistance, manual wheelchairs, electric wheelchairs, or mobility scooters.

Medical Transport

Physical Therapy
Doctor’s Office Visit
Hospital Appointments
Specialist Visits (GI, Cardiologists, etc.)
Cancer Center Treatments
Lab Work

Non-Medical Transport

Legal Consults
Adult Enrichment Centers

If you are having an emergency, dial "911" for immediate assistance.

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